Discover the liberating and energizing power of Movement for Singers!
This two-hour workshop will explore:
Physical Alignment for balanced, stable, and easy singing.
Stretching Sequences to release tension and free your breath, resonance, and articulation.
Grounding Movements for depth, stability, and richness.
Balance Postures to activate your singing body and balance your busy artist mind.
Vocal Exercises that support and enhance each movement.
Q&A and a detailed handout will ensure that each singer leaves with techniques they can immediately incorporate into their practice and performance.
All bodies, minds, and styles of singing welcome! Movements can be modified for any physical need. Please bring a yoga mat or two towels and dress to move comfortably. Props and chairs will be provided.
$30/workshop or $100 for the series (includes Embodied Singer Toolkit, required for Myofascial workshop). Early bird pricing until 12/15.
Danspace Oakland - 473 Hudson St (2 blocks from Rockridge BART)