Metta (Lovingkindness) is one of the most powerful qualities we can cultivate. The simple act of wishing kindness, health, ease, and peace can transform the way we interact with ourselves and others and expand our capacity for expressive artistry.
Join Shauna for an hour-long exploration of the Metta (Lovingkindness) meditation practice.
Learn the basics of meditative practice, including the history of the Metta and other Brahma Vihara practices.
Experience 3 periods of Metta meditation: Introduction to Self-Kindness, The Classical Practice, and Metta for Musicians, a unique expression of this powerful technique.
Question and Response and open discussion to explore how to personalize these practices and develop a supportive meditation routine.
This workshop will be held on Zoom. Lifetime Video Access available to all registered participants.
All minds and bodies welcome! No previous meditation experience required. Options for comfortable meditation postures will be offered.
$0, Dana (generosity) is appreciated